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The Foundation of Repentance

Understanding The Foundation of Repentance

Jesus Is RisenThe foundation of true biblical repentance is the accurate revelation of who Jesus Christ is and what He has done for us.

In Acts 20:21 Paul preaches repentance toward God.

This means the essence of repentance is the changing of our attitudes toward God.

True biblical repentance necessitates a changing of our minds toward God first, only then can there be a real change in how we see ourselves.

Biblical repentance does not require us to focus on trying to change our own habits or lifestyle.

True repentance occurs when we see God as He truly is, a loving Father waiting eagerly with open arms and an open heart for us to return to Him.

In the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15:20-24, Jesus said, “The younger son got up and started back to his father.

But when he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt sorry for him. He ran to his son and hugged and kissed him.”

Before the son did one single thing the father did 5 things – 5 is the number of God’s grace.Time For Hope

1) The Father saw him

2) He felt sorry for him

3) He ran to him

4) He hugged him

5) He kissed him

Only after this was the son able to say something and even then the father would not let him finish his rehearsed speech.

The son began saying how sorry he was but the father interrupted him by saying, “Hurry and bring the best clothes and put them on him.

Give him a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet. Get the best calf and prepare it, so we can eat and celebrate with him.

This son of mine was dead, but has now come back to life. He was lost and has now been found.”

Today, this is how God sees you and I when we come to Him asking for forgiveness.

Risen ChristTrue repentance is seeing God as He really is and not as the world sees Him. It is understanding that God is really FOR us and not at all against us… This is at the heart of true repentance!

Will you come to God today?

“Listen, now is really the “right time”! Now is the “day of salvation!” 2nd Corinthians 6:2

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